1. disbayes::ihdengland
    Ischemic heart disease in England
  2. disbayes::ihdtrends
    Trends in ischemic heart disease in England
  3. flexsurv::bc
    Breast cancer survival data
  4. flexsurv::bosms3
    Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after lung transplants
  5. flexsurv::bosms4
    Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after lung transplants
  6. msmbayes::bigdat
    A simulated multistate dataset with lots of observations and covariates
  7. msmbayes::cav_misc
    Example fitted model objects used for testing msmbayes
  8. msmbayes::infsim
    Simulated infection testing data
  9. msmbayes::infsim2
    Simulated infection testing data
  10. msmbayes::infsim_model
    Example fitted model objects used for testing msmbayes
  11. msmbayes::infsim_modelc
    Example fitted model objects used for testing msmbayes
  12. msmbayes::infsim_modelp
    Example fitted model objects used for testing msmbayes
  13. msmbayes::infsim_modelpc
    Example fitted model objects used for testing msmbayes
  14. survextrap::cetux
    Datasets for evaluation of cetuximab in head and neck cancer
  15. survextrap::cetux_bh
    Datasets for evaluation of cetuximab in head and neck cancer
  16. survextrap::cetux_seer
    Datasets for evaluation of cetuximab in head and neck cancer
  17. survextrap::colons
    Colon cancer survival data
  18. survextrap::curedata
    Simulated data for testing mixture cure models